Redefining Engaged

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Redefining Engaged

love beyond passion

Browse Engagement Ring


The terms "getting engaged" or "I just got engaged" send many people into a frenzy: "Can I see the ring?"; "How big is the diamond?"; "How much did it cost?"; "Have you set the date yet?"

The nature of these questions has the unfortunate tendency to obscure the more important meaning of the word "Engaged." Romance and passion are almost lost to logistics and the engagement ring is assigned a role as proof of purchase.

We at Gabriel & Co. see getting "Engaged" in a different way. There is something more - something more enchanting, adventurous, sensuous, and exhilarating to getting "Engaged." It's much more than a ring, a stone, a price and a date. To us, when two people are in love - love beyond passion - and have a shared desire to commit themselves to one another, they are "Engaged" in the truest sense of the word. We believe that choosing a ring to celebrate this exuberant state of being "Engaged" should be one of life's joys.

At Gabriel & Co. we're redefining the word "Engaged" to once again capture the magic and beauty of this committed love. At Gabriel & Co. we're redefining "Engaged." For our rings. For our web site. For our jewelers.

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Gabriel & Co. Engagement Rings

Our rings are unmatched for sheer elegance and beauty. We make the idea of creating custom one-of-a-kind engagement rings easy and affordable for any couple’s needs.

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